i2C's First Solution for iPhone XR-14 Pro Max Wide Angle Camera Pop-Up Issues | 2023

First release! i2C launches the solution- iPhone XR-14 Wide Camera Repair Board and iPhone XR, iPhone11, iPhone 12, iPhone 13, iPhone 14 series camera repair FPC for repairing rear-camera errors and pop-up issues.

Resolves the problem of mismatched camera codes and pop-up errors.

  1. Solve the pop-up window and code pairing problems caused by the non-original rear camera.
  2. Support pop-up cable repair for non-disassmeble and soldering model.
  3. Two new board are added to support camera repair for iPhone XR-14PM models.
Two Solutions: Built-in or Non-disassmeble

I. Built-in Camera Pop-up Window Repair Kit

Built-in Camera Pop-up Window Repair Kit

II. Non-disassmeble Camera Pop-up Window Repair Kit

Non-disassmeble Camera Pop-up Window Repair Kit

Phonefix's repair solution delivers prompt, efficient, and cost-effective service for all your rear-camera issues. Contact us today for more information!


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