3 Ultimate Solutions For Cracked Mobile Phone Display Screen

Cracked screens are annoying, and it ruins the look and usability of your phone. Fixing a cracked iPhone display screen can be expensive, costing hundreds to replace screens on the latest iPhone models. What do you do when your iPhone screen cracks?

The iPhone screen repair cost at the Apple Store can get pretty expensive if you have a newer device with a large, OLED screen. Read on, the article will off you optimal solution.

Table of Contents

  • Official Repairs Are Expensive Without AppleCare+
  • Apple Self Service Repair Kit
  • Third-Party Repair Stores Are Affordable but Limited
  • You Could Always Repair Your iPhone at Home
First, you need to answer the following two questions:

1. Can you repair your iPhone screen for free?

Apple provides a one-year warranty for defects like bad pixels (not if you dropped your phone and cracked the screen) and many major credit cards will automatically double that warranty.

So, if your screen is defective, it’s worth bringing your device into an Apple Store or an Authorized Apple Service Provider to see if you can have your screen repaired for free.

2. Do you need to use Apple parts for screen repair?

Whenever possible, it is best use Apple parts to ensure reliability. However, if you have an older iPhone, it may make financial sense to use a less expensive repair provider that uses third party parts. 

Solution I. Official Repairs Are Expensive Without AppleCare+

The cost to fix a cracked Apple iPhone screen varies widely based on which iPhone you have and where you take it to get repaired, but Apple overcharges for repairs.
If you don’t have an AppleCare+ subscription, you can expect to pay several hundred dollars for a screen replacement. iPhone screen repair may cost as little as $50 or as much as $329.

Here’s what Apple charges to replace some popular iPhone screens:
    iPhone 13 Series: $229 – $329
    iPhone 12 Series: $229 – $329
    iPhone 11 Series: $199 – $329
    iPhone X Series: $199 – $329
    iPhone 8 Series: $149 – $169
    iPhone 7 Series: $149 – $169
    (Check the full list of Apple screen replacement fees for more.)

Solution II. Apple Self Service Repair Kit

Apple recently launched the iPhone Self Service Repair program to provide genuine Apple parts, required tools, and relevant documentation to help you fix your iPhone.

Unfortunately, the Self Service Repair program is currently only available for the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, which means that this won’t help most iPhone owners.
In addition, Apple’s iPhone repair kits require in-depth electronics knowledge and repair experience, so you’re still better off taking your broken iPhone to a professional in order to prevent further damage.

However local shops can often perform the same repairs for less and take less time doing so. Just remember that if the repair costs more than getting a replacement device, you’re better off ditching your old phone and buying a new iPhone.

Solution III. Third-Party Repair Stores Are Affordable but Limited

The other option is to choose a third-party repair stores and find an iPhone repair technician near you. Third-party repair stores charge very little for screen replacements, as their prices aren’t dictated by Apple.

If you’re just looking for a screen replacement, you can save money by avoiding “authorized” service centers.
Apple also likes to restrict some repairs at a software level. Performing certain repairs without Apple’s calibration tools (which independent stores can’t access) will actually disable features like Face ID.

But Apple lifts screen repair restrictions a few months after each iPhone’s release. (You can now replace the iPhone 13’s display without consequence, for example.)

Solution IV. You Could Always Repair Your iPhone at Home

The secret behind repairing any mobile phone is disassembly and assembly of a handset. If you can learn how to use a multimeter and dissemble and assemble back a mobile phone, you can easily do most mobile phone repairing at home.

Replacing your iPhone screen at home is usually cheaper than visiting an Apple store or an independent repair shop.Most mobile phone repairing and fixing jobs are easy to do at home with some basic knowledge, repairing tools and some tutorial, tips and tricks.

Another secret to mobile phone repairing is that many problems can be fixed by simply cleaning and servicing. If any part or component is faulty, it has to be either re-soldered or replaced which is very easy.

The best resource, in my opinion China Phonefix. The Phonefix regularly publishes repair guides and sells replacement parts for popular products. You can buy one of Phonefix’s screen replacement bundles, which includes all the parts and tools you need to fix your iPhone’s broken screen.

In Phonefix shop, with prices starting at just $79 for an iPhone 6 display screen full assembly, or $279.99 for an iPhone 13 screen repair – even with a shattered screen.
Phonefix has free repair guides video, repair toold and disassembly information for every single iPhone, as well as the best. Explore across this website to learn mobile phone repairing tutorial.

You will find details guide, videos, PDF book and photos and diagrams. With little learning and patience, anyone can repair and mobile phone.
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